Implementation and characterization of a controllable dephasing channel based on coupling polarization and spatial degrees of freedom of light

Calculated inside/outside intensity ratio using the electromagnetic propagation of the mode.


We present the experimental implementation and theoretical model of a controllable dephasing quantum channel using photonic systems. The channel is implemented by coupling the polarization and the spatial distribution of light that play, in the perspective of open quantum systems, the role of quantum system and environment, respectively. The capability of controlling our channel allows us to visualize its effects in a quantum system. Different from standard dephasing channels, our channel presents an exotic behavior in the sense that the evolution of a state, from a pure to a mixed state, shows an oscillatory behavior if tracked in the Bloch sphere. Additionally, we report the evolution of the purity and perform a quantum process tomography to obtain the χ matrix associated to our channel.

In Optics Express
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Juan Rafael Álvarez
Juan Rafael Álvarez
Postdoctoral Researcher

I am interested in understanding the fundamental questions behind Quantum Optics. I work with quantum dot single photon sources at the Centrer for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (C2N).