
(2023). Measuring Wigner functions of quantum states of light in the undergraduate laboratory.

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(2023). Bursts of polarised single photons from atom-cavity sources. In J. Phys. B.

Cite DOI Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics

(2023). Measuring Wigner functions of quantum states of light in the undergraduate lab. In ETOP 2023.

Cite DOI ETOP 2023

(2022). How to administer an antidote to Schrödinger's cat. In APL.

Cite DOI Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics

(2021). Light-matter interaction in open cavities with dielectric stacks. In APL.

PDF Cite Slides Applied Physics Letters

(2020). Random number generation by coherent detection of quantum phase noise. In OE.

PDF Slides Optics Express

(2018). Interference of two pulse-like spatial beams with arbitrary transverse separation. In J. Opt..

PDF Journal of Optics

(2018). Implementation and characterization of a controllable dephasing channel based on coupling polarization and spatial degrees of freedom of light. In OE.

PDF Slides Optics Express